You might have heard many times that many electronic goods got damaged due to water, as many of us know that water drop causes short circuit in electronic components. But what if I say that though water causes damage in electronic goods still you can wash electronic components PCB motherboard etc. with water.

But before getting into our today's topic first learn what this term SHORT CIRCUIT is?? Short Circuit means a bad electrical connection that causes the current to flow in the wrong direction. But why water causes short circuit? If you recall your school days, you have learned that water is conductive means electricity can travel through water. Though pure water is not conductive at all but most of the water that we see actually not pure water. The impure water is actually conductive and causes Short Circuit in different electronic boards.
When a water drops or lots of water (not pure water) comes in contact with any electronic circuit then due to its conductive nature electricity also starts going through the water apart from the main electronic circuit which actually causes the damage or short circuit.
Now come to our today's main topic that can we clean electronic circuit board with water:

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1. Yes, you can clean circuit board with pure water as you have already learned that pure water not at all conductive (but pure water is hard to get)
2. Now what about regular water which is not pure and also conductive in nature. In that case the answer is still yes, no matter the water is pure water or regular water in both cases electronic circuit boards or components can be cleaned with water, but you need to follow one strict rule that is there should not be a single particle of water before you connect that circuit board to the power supply and before you power it on.
I recommend not to wash or clean electronic circuit board with water, this article is for only to increase your knowledge but if you ever try it just to see what happen make sure you dry the circuit board well and use an air blower and blow it very well to remove all possible water particles from the PCB or from any components. The power it on, doing so would prevent that from being short circuited.